Author: Bernard Hanotiau* Published: March 1990 Jurisdiction: Belgium Topics: Commercial Disputes Arbitrability Enforcement of Arbitral Awards Enforceability New York Convention Description: I. INTRODUCTION: BELGIUM AS A PLACE FOR INTERNATIONAL ARBITRATION...
Search Results for : Belgium
Authors: Maud Piers* and Dirk De Meulemeester** Published: August 2014 Description: I. INTRODUCTION 1. Arbitration is a method of alternative dispute resolution that is based on party autonomy. In other...
A New Arbitration Law for Belgium: UNCITRAL Enters the Scene ...
Author: Bernard R. Hanotiau** Published: December 1997 Topics: Sources of Arbitration Law National Legislation Description: In 1972, Belgium integrated into its legislation the European Convention on Arbitration (signed January 20,...
Survey of a New Statute Amending Belgian Legislation on Arbitration* ...
...The Life Cycle of a Large Infrastructure Dispute in the Oil and Gas Industry (Vol. 30(4) October 2020) Bernard Hanotiau, International Commercial Arbitration in Belgium (Vol. 1(1) March 1990) Michael...
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...Court to elaborate extensively on the general applicability of the dispute settlement mechanism established by Art. 26 ECT to intra-EU disputes.[11] Because of Belgium’s request for an opinion on the...
Lights Out for the Energy Charter Treaty? The ECJ’s Next ...

...Belgium-Luxembourg, Korea, and Switzerland, provide that “[e]ach of the contracting parties shall ensure compliance with any other obligation, which it has in respect of its territory assumed with regard to...
Empirics-Based Umbrella Clause Interpretation right will depend on municipal law. Thus, in the Barcelona Traction case the question was whether Spain owed any obligation to Belgium such that Belgium could bring a diplomatic...
Monique Sasson, Substantive Law in Investment Treaty Arbitration, The Unsettled Relationship ...

...from Czechoslovakia; stationery from Germany; linens from Belgium, and wines from France. [76] By that time, the AAA had established relationships with American chambers of commerce in Europe and foreign...
The Popular Meaning of “Foreign or International Tribunal” in ...

...been adopted by courts in the United States, France, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Belgium, Austria, Italy, and Sweden.[14] Conclusion The Singapore Court of Appeal’s decision in Anupam Mittal does put...
Determining Arbitrability at the Pre-Award Stage: An Analysis of the ...

...two arbitrations seated in Belgium.[14] APPEALING THE ICC COURT’S DECISIONS ON ARBITRATOR CHALLENGES: ARTICLE 43 AND LEX ARBITRI The new Article 43 extends its scope to “any claims arising out...
Dispute Resolution Clause in the ICC Rules 2021: An Innovative ...
...International Commercial Arbitration: Doctrinal Developments And Discovery Methods Alham Usman Julia Hörnle, Cross-Border Internet Dispute Resolution Alham Usman The Iron Rhine (Ijzeren Rijn) Arbitration (Belgium–Netherlands) Award Of 2005 Alham Usman...
Volume 20: Issue 4 (December 2010)
...New Arbitration Law for Belgium: UNCITRAL Enters the Scene Maud Piers and Dirk De Meulemeester Nine Years Later: Investment Treaty Arbitration’s Contribution to International Commercial Arbitration Solomon Ebere and Blerina...